 ### CCP4 6.0: TRUNCATE           version 6.0       : 18/11/05##
 User: mpr  Run date: 16/ 6/2006 Run time: 14:29:46 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.



Command Input


 Data line--- title mpr78_p21_7 dataset
 Data line--- truncate yes
 Data line--- nresidue 223
 Data line--- PNAME 
 Data line--- DNAME foo
 Data line--- labout  F=F_foo  SIGF=SIGF_foo DANO=DANO_foo SIGDANO=SIGDANO_foo  

Input MTZ File

 Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: /tmp/junk_mpr78_p21_7_scala.mtz 

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 Unspecified
             45.2896  100.0178   71.9303   90.0000  104.4158   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 9

 * Number of Reflections = 20205

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H J Q K M K M

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   45.2896  100.0178   71.9303   90.0000  104.4158   90.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00010    0.15379     (    100.000 -      2.550 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     4     5

 * Space group = 'P21' (number     4)

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0/lib/data/syminfo.lib

Reciprocal space symmetry: 
Space group: "P 1 21 1" Point group: "PG2" Laue group: "2/m" 
Reference asymmetric unit: "k>=0 and (l>0 or (l=0 and h>=0))" 
  (change of basis may be applied) 

 Spacegroup 4 "P 1 21 1" 
 Original indices for reflection hkl with symmetry number ISYM 

                              Bijvoet positive 
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              
  ISYM   1  +h,+k,+l       3  -h,+k,-l    

                              Bijvoet negative 
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              
  ISYM   2  -h,-k,-l       4  +h,-k,+l    

      Cell Dimensions:          45.29      100.02       71.93       90.00      104.42       90.00

Output MTZ File

 Harvest: NO ProjectName given - no deposit file created

 Width of bin :  0.0026
 Number of bins :   60

 Limits on H,K,L.. -17 to  17      0 to  39      0 to  28

   Resolution limits in As =     100.00      2.55
            as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.00010   0.15379

   Resolution limits used for scaling in As =       4.00      2.55
                             as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.06250   0.15379

FORMATTED OLD file opened on unit 45 Logical name: ATOMSF, Filename: /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.0/lib/data/atomsf.lib

Volume, Solvent Content etc

    ****   Volume solvent content etc ***

   Asymmetric Unit Contents                         Scattering Factor Constants
   Atom  number in  A.U.  Atomic number     (F = AA*EXP(-A*RHO) + BB*EXP(-B*RHO) + .. + CC)
    C            1115            6              2.310   20.844    1.020   10.208    1.589    0.569    0.865   51.651    0.216
    N             301            7             12.213    0.006    3.132    9.893    2.013   28.997    1.166    0.583  -11.529
    O             335            8              3.049   13.277    2.287    5.701    1.546    0.324    0.867   32.909    0.251
    H            1784            1              0.493   10.511    0.323   26.126    0.140    3.142    0.041   57.800    0.003

 Volume per atom                         =          10.0 A**3
 total number of atoms in unit cell      =          7070
 unit cell volume                        =      315568.7
 F000                                    =       26522.0
 fraction of unit cell occupied by atoms =         0.224  =====
 starting resolution                     =        100.00
 finishing resolution                    =          2.55
 resolution increment for plotting       =          0.00

Scale from Wilson Plot

   *******  Wilson Plots *******

  Nref is the number of observed reflections in a
       hemisphere of reciprocal space.
  N_unq is an estimate of the number of possible reflections
        in an asymmetric unit of reciprocal space 
        ( Nref should be approximately equal to Nsymp*N_unq)
  Mn(ff)       is the expected value of f**2
  Mn(s - resln) is the average value of 4(sin theta/lambda)**2 and 
               the corresponding resolution limit.
  Mn(fobssq)   is the average value of Fobs**2

  If the reflections which were not measured were all weak, then Mn(Fobs**2)
   is better estimated using all possible  reflections N_unq
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)1))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from Nref,
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)2))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from N_unq.
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 A total of     20205 reflections were included in the Wilson plot

1       |                                                                                                                        
     -20+      *                                                                                                                 
        |       *                                                                                                                
        |         *                                                                                                              
        |    *          *                                                                                                        
     -25+             *                                                                                                          
        |           *                                                                                                            
        |                 *                                                                                                      
        |                          * *                                                                                           
        |                    * * *     * *  *                                                                                    
        |                   *             *   *                                                                                  
     -30+                                         * **                                                                           
        |                                       *      * * *   *                                                                 
        |                                                    *   *                                                               
        |                                                         * * *                                                          
        |                                                                 * *                                                    
        |                                                               *        *                                               
     -35+                                                                     **                                                 
        |                                                                              *                                         
 l      |                                                                          *                                             
 o      |                                                                                                                        
 g   -40+                                                                            *   *                                       
 (      |                                                                                                                        
 F      |                                                                                                                        
 P      |                                                                                                                        
 s      |                                                                                   *                                    
 q      |                                                                                  *                                     
 /   -45+                                                                                                                        
 M      |                                                                                                                        
 n      |                                                                                     *                                  
 (      |                                                                                                                        
 f      |                                                                                       *                                
 f      |                                                                                                                        
 )   -50+                                                                                                                        
 )      |                                                                                         * *                            
        |                                                                                             *                          
 *      |                                                                                               *                        
 1   -55+                                                                                                * *                     
 0      |                                                                                                                        
 *      |                                                                                                    *                   
 *      |                                                                                                      *                 
 1      |                                                                                                                        
        |                                                                                                        * *             
     -60+                                                                                                           *            
        |                                                                                                             *   *      
        |                                                                                                               *        
            0             2              4             6              8             10             12            14              
                                           4*sinsq/lambdasq  *10**2                                                              
                                           WILSON PLOT (observed reflections only)                                               

    WILSON PLOT for Ranges   25 -  60
    Resolution range:  3.9900  2.5608
  LSQ Line Gradient =         -82.025215
 Uncertainty in Gradient  =      0.3095E+01
  X Intercept          =     -0.1384E-01
 Uncertainty in Intercept =      0.1717E+00

 For a wilson plot          B          =  -  gradient
                          SCALE        = exp( - intercept).

 Least squares straight line gives:   B  = 82.025        SCALE  =   1.01394
    where  F(absolute)**2 = SCALE*F(observed)**2*EXP(-B*2*SINTH**2/L**2) 

 $TABLE: Wilson Plot - Suggested Bfactor 82.0:
 $GRAPHS: Wilson plot -Suggested Bfactor 82.0:A:5,8,10:

 ln(Mn(Fsquared/n_poss)/Mn(ff)  $$ 
   i  nref  N_unq Mn(ff) 1/resol^2 Mn(resln) Mn(FF/n_obs)
 ln(Mn(FF/n_obs)/Mn(ff)) Mn(FF/n_poss)


   1    47   102    154345.   0.0018 23.74     15323     -2.30982          7061     -3.08465
   2   152   167    151766.   0.0040 15.74     20763     -1.98915         18898     -2.08326
   3   203   209    149091.   0.0065 12.42     18483     -2.08770         17952     -2.11683
   4   272   271    146318.   0.0091 10.50     15100     -2.27112         15155     -2.26744
   5   281   280    143749.   0.0117  9.23     11084     -2.56258         11123     -2.55902
   6   319   319    141155.   0.0142  8.39     12003     -2.46468         12003     -2.46468
   7   337   336    138689.   0.0168  7.71     13799     -2.30764         13840     -2.30467
   8   387   387    136344.   0.0194  7.18      9202     -2.69573          9202     -2.69573
   9   355   362    133890.   0.0219  6.75      7357     -2.90141          7214     -2.92093
  10   365   397    131707.   0.0244  6.40      7337     -2.88766          6746     -2.97170
  11   426   440    129456.   0.0269  6.10      7683     -2.82440          7438     -2.85673
  12   439   442    127306.   0.0295  5.82      7133     -2.88180          7085     -2.88861
  13   475   477    125167.   0.0321  5.58      8111     -2.73637          8077     -2.74057
  14   494   496    123106.   0.0347  5.37      8065     -2.72551          8032     -2.72955
  15   487   490    121134.   0.0373  5.18      7290     -2.81044          7245     -2.81658
  16   515   517    119142.   0.0399  5.01      6829     -2.85918          6802     -2.86306
  17   538   544    117223.   0.0423  4.86      6493     -2.89337          6421     -2.90446
  18   548   552    115363.   0.0449  4.72      6503     -2.87580          6456     -2.88307
  19   538   545    113540.   0.0475  4.59      5908     -2.95583          5832     -2.96876
  20   572   584    111763.   0.0500  4.47      5171     -3.07324          5065     -3.09400
  21   609   610    110013.   0.0526  4.36      5590     -2.97956          5581     -2.98120
  22   608   608    108345.   0.0552  4.26      5255     -3.02612          5255     -3.02612
  23   607   609    106673.   0.0578  4.16      5164     -3.02804          5147     -3.03132
  24   632   634    105048.   0.0603  4.07      4793     -3.08731          4778     -3.09047
  25   663   662    103513.   0.0628  3.99      4686     -3.09512          4693     -3.09361
  26   674   676    101947.   0.0654  3.91      4525     -3.11482          4512     -3.11778
  27   639   639    100420.   0.0680  3.84      4294     -3.15222          4294     -3.15222
  28   694   694     98950.   0.0706  3.76      4571     -3.07485          4571     -3.07485
  29   725   724     97512.   0.0731  3.70      4006     -3.19224          4011     -3.19086
  30   698   700     96103.   0.0756  3.64      3712     -3.25374          3702     -3.25661
  31   703   703     94735.   0.0782  3.58      3727     -3.23535          3727     -3.23535
  32   762   764     93388.   0.0808  3.52      3398     -3.31372          3389     -3.31634
  33   703   704     92077.   0.0834  3.46      2924     -3.44960          2920     -3.45102
  34   782   790     90805.   0.0859  3.41      3223     -3.33853          3190     -3.34871
  35   784   786     89526.   0.0885  3.36      3031     -3.38568          3023     -3.38823
  36   751   751     88309.   0.0910  3.31      2581     -3.53283          2581     -3.53283
  37   752   760     87103.   0.0936  3.27      2574     -3.52162          2547     -3.53220
  38   849   856     85926.   0.0962  3.22      2690     -3.46397          2668     -3.47218
  39   810   810     84765.   0.0987  3.18      1934     -3.78009          1934     -3.78009
  40   797   799     83634.   0.1013  3.14      1632     -3.93692          1627     -3.93943
  41   870   870     82532.   0.1038  3.10      1998     -3.72099          1998     -3.72099
  42   788   790     81447.   0.1064  3.07      1574     -3.94633          1570     -3.94886
  43   831   832     80380.   0.1090  3.03      1006     -4.38079          1005     -4.38199
  44   866   866     79348.   0.1115  3.00      1039     -4.33599          1039     -4.33599
  45   930   930     78312.   0.1141  2.96       754     -4.64334           754     -4.64334
  46   841   843     77327.   0.1166  2.93       623     -4.82056           622     -4.82293
  47   888   890     76339.   0.1192  2.90       480     -5.06975           479     -5.07200
  48   885   884     75390.   0.1218  2.87       487     -5.04193           488     -5.04080
  49   928   930     74451.   0.1243  2.84       429     -5.15582           428     -5.15797
  50   918   920     73534.   0.1269  2.81       334     -5.39507           333     -5.39724
  51   887   889     72623.   0.1294  2.78       290     -5.52183           290     -5.52409
  52  1006  1006     71742.   0.1320  2.75       286     -5.52539           286     -5.52539
  53   968   968     70872.   0.1347  2.72       247     -5.66059           247     -5.66059
  54   851   854     70015.   0.1371  2.70       222     -5.75317           221     -5.75669
  55   984   984     69190.   0.1397  2.68       185     -5.92300           185     -5.92300
  56   974   976     68368.   0.1423  2.65       173     -5.98091           172     -5.98296
  57  1011  1013     67569.   0.1448  2.63       165     -6.01521           165     -6.01719
  58   982   982     66779.   0.1474  2.60       131     -6.23710           131     -6.23710
  59   972   972     66006.   0.1500  2.58       123     -6.28181           123     -6.28181
  60  1003  1000     65246.   0.1525  2.56       128     -6.23325           128     -6.23026

Analysis of Mean Intensity

 Range    Min. S    Max. S   Dmax(A)  Mn(I)/w Mn(SD)      Nref  Nposs

     1   0.00010   0.00266     19.38   14403.8  336.5       25       52
     2   0.00266   0.00522     13.84   20493.6  468.3       77       84
     3   0.00522   0.00778     11.33   18392.4  385.6      102      105
     4   0.00778   0.01035      9.83   14989.4  296.0      137      136
     5   0.01035   0.01291      8.80   11044.5  220.8      141      140
     6   0.01291   0.01547      8.04   11965.8  232.9      160      160
     7   0.01547   0.01803      7.45   13758.2  262.7      169      168
     8   0.01803   0.02059      6.97    9178.5  177.2      194      194
     9   0.02059   0.02315      6.57    7336.0  147.8      178      181
    10   0.02315   0.02571      6.24    7316.9  172.7      183      199
    11   0.02571   0.02828      5.95    7682.5  167.5      213      220
    12   0.02828   0.03084      5.69    7117.3  159.3      220      221
    13   0.03084   0.03340      5.47    8094.4  179.5      238      239
    14   0.03340   0.03596      5.27    8065.0  174.3      247      248
    15   0.03596   0.03852      5.10    7274.7  162.4      244      245
    16   0.03852   0.04108      4.93    6815.5  154.1      258      259
    17   0.04108   0.04364      4.79    6492.9  145.0      269      272
    18   0.04364   0.04621      4.65    6503.1  143.5      274      276
    19   0.04621   0.04877      4.53    5908.1  134.7      269      273
    20   0.04877   0.05133      4.41    5171.4  128.0      286      292
    21   0.05133   0.05389      4.31    5581.2  134.8      305      305
    22   0.05389   0.05645      4.21    5255.1  126.4      304      304
    23   0.05645   0.05901      4.12    5155.6  129.6      304      305
    24   0.05901   0.06157      4.03    4792.7  124.8      316      317
    25   0.06157   0.06414      3.95    4678.9  126.9      332      331
    26   0.06414   0.06670      3.87    4525.1  125.2      337      338
    27   0.06670   0.06926      3.80    4287.0  122.1      320      320
    28   0.06926   0.07182      3.73    4571.2  133.3      347      347
    29   0.07182   0.07438      3.67    4000.3  120.7      363      362
    30   0.07438   0.07694      3.61    3712.4  115.4      349      350
    31   0.07694   0.07950      3.55    3722.2  116.0      352      352
    32   0.07950   0.08207      3.49    3397.5  112.8      381      382
    33   0.08207   0.08463      3.44    2920.1  103.9      352      352
    34   0.08463   0.08719      3.39    3222.6  109.1      391      395
    35   0.08719   0.08975      3.34    3030.9  110.7      392      393
    36   0.08975   0.09231      3.29    2577.1  104.1      376      376
    37   0.09231   0.09487      3.25    2574.0  104.7      376      380
    38   0.09487   0.09743      3.20    2686.8  107.2      425      428
    39   0.09743   0.10000      3.16    1934.4   96.3      405      405
    40   0.10000   0.10256      3.12    1629.5   92.9      399      400
    41   0.10256   0.10512      3.08    1998.1  100.3      435      435
    42   0.10512   0.10768      3.05    1574.0   93.0      394      395
    43   0.10768   0.11024      3.01    1004.8   85.7      416      416
    44   0.11024   0.11280      2.98    1038.6   89.6      433      433
    45   0.11280   0.11536      2.94     753.8   84.8      465      465
    46   0.11536   0.11793      2.91     622.7   82.2      421      422
    47   0.11793   0.12049      2.88     479.7   82.0      444      445
    48   0.12049   0.12305      2.85     486.6   83.6      443      442
    49   0.12305   0.12561      2.82     429.3   83.2      464      465
    50   0.12561   0.12817      2.79     333.8   83.0      459      460
    51   0.12817   0.13073      2.77     290.1   81.8      444      445
    52   0.13073   0.13329      2.74     285.8   81.7      503      503
    53   0.13329   0.13586      2.71     246.7   82.1      484      484
    54   0.13586   0.13842      2.69     221.9   82.3      426      427
    55   0.13842   0.14098      2.66     185.2   83.9      492      492
    56   0.14098   0.14354      2.64     172.7   81.5      487      488
    57   0.14354   0.14610      2.62     164.8   80.4      506      507
    58   0.14610   0.14866      2.59     130.6   85.5      491      491
    59   0.14866   0.15122      2.57     123.4   82.8      486      486
    60   0.15122   0.15379      2.55     128.0   87.2      502      500

 Analysis of mean intensity by parity for reflection classes

  For each class, Mn(I/sig(I)) is given for even and odd parity with respect to the condition,
eg group 1: h even & odd; group 7 h+k+l even & odd; group 8 h+k=2n & h+l=2n & k+l=2n or not

 Range    Min_S    Dmax    Nref     1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8
                                    h           k           l          h+k         h+l         k+l        h+k+l    h+k,h+l,k+l
     1   0.00010  19.38      25 28.6 45.8   33.6 31.6   31.9 33.7   37.3 26.9   33.5 31.7   38.6 26.3   37.1 29.3   42.2 28.2
     2   0.00266  13.84      77 46.1 44.2   42.8 47.9   45.5 44.9   46.2 44.5   44.2 46.3   46.5 43.8   44.3 46.2   46.4 44.9
     3   0.00522  11.33     102 49.3 51.0   49.7 50.8   50.2 50.4   51.5 49.0   49.3 51.3   48.2 52.4   49.9 50.6   48.5 50.9
     4   0.00778   9.83     137 45.5 50.1   45.8 49.5   48.6 46.5   48.1 47.0   49.1 46.1   47.7 47.4   47.8 47.3   49.8 46.8
     5   0.01035   8.80     141 46.1 47.3   44.8 49.0   45.9 47.4   46.4 47.0   45.4 48.2   46.9 46.5   45.9 47.5   45.2 47.2
     6   0.01291   8.04     160 49.1 48.2   48.0 49.3   48.0 49.3   48.9 48.3   48.2 49.1   48.3 49.0   48.4 48.9   48.1 48.8
     7   0.01547   7.45     169 45.7 49.6   46.7 48.9   48.3 47.4   47.7 48.0   47.4 48.2   49.9 45.9   48.4 47.2   49.3 47.3
     8   0.01803   6.97     194 48.2 45.0   45.1 48.4   46.2 47.2   46.2 47.1   46.6 46.8   45.9 47.5   45.7 47.6   45.3 47.1
     9   0.02059   6.57     178 43.9 46.0   44.7 45.1   44.7 45.1   43.9 45.8   45.3 44.4   46.8 42.7   45.8 43.8   46.3 44.3
    10   0.02315   6.24     183 40.7 38.1   38.7 40.1   39.4 39.3   39.4 39.3   38.9 39.8   39.8 38.9   38.6 40.0   39.4 39.3
    11   0.02571   5.95     213 39.7 41.0   40.3 40.4   39.0 41.7   40.0 40.8   41.4 39.3   40.9 39.8   40.3 40.5   41.4 40.0
    12   0.02828   5.69     220 41.3 40.4   39.3 42.4   40.6 41.1   41.3 40.4   42.8 38.7   40.2 41.4   42.0 39.9   42.7 40.2
    13   0.03084   5.47     238 39.7 42.8   40.8 41.6   42.6 39.8   41.5 40.9   41.5 40.8   41.0 41.3   41.4 40.9   41.6 41.0
    14   0.03340   5.27     247 41.2 41.4   41.6 41.0   42.4 40.4   41.7 40.9   42.7 40.1   41.0 41.6   41.1 41.5   42.8 40.8
    15   0.03596   5.10     244 39.1 40.7   38.9 40.7   39.0 40.7   40.4 39.3   38.6 41.4   40.1 39.6   40.9 38.7   39.3 40.0
    16   0.03852   4.93     258 38.9 37.2   36.9 39.3   37.6 38.6   37.5 38.6   38.3 37.9   37.8 38.4   37.4 38.7   37.5 38.3
    17   0.04108   4.79     269 39.3 39.5   38.7 40.3   39.8 38.9   38.3 40.5   40.1 38.8   40.0 38.9   39.5 39.3   39.5 39.4
    18   0.04364   4.65     274 37.6 37.7   38.7 36.7   35.4 39.6   37.2 38.2   39.4 36.1   37.3 38.1   38.5 36.9   38.4 37.4
    19   0.04621   4.53     269 37.6 38.1   37.6 38.1   36.4 39.4   39.4 36.5   38.9 36.7   38.0 37.8   36.8 38.9   40.5 37.0
    20   0.04877   4.41     286 32.2 35.0   32.8 34.3   33.1 33.8   32.8 34.2   33.0 34.0   34.0 32.9   33.3 33.7   32.9 33.7
    21   0.05133   4.31     305 35.5 38.0   38.0 35.3   36.4 36.9   36.8 36.5   36.6 36.7   37.6 35.6   36.5 36.8   37.8 36.3
    22   0.05389   4.21     304 33.5 37.0   35.4 34.9   35.7 34.6   34.6 35.8   35.3 35.1   34.3 36.1   33.1 37.2   33.8 35.6
    23   0.05645   4.12     304 33.8 33.8   32.7 34.8   34.7 32.9   32.3 35.3   33.8 33.7   32.9 34.5   33.2 34.3   31.4 34.5
    24   0.05901   4.03     316 31.3 30.8   31.2 30.8   30.7 31.4   33.2 28.9   30.7 31.3   31.1 31.0   30.9 31.2   32.8 30.4
    25   0.06157   3.95     332 29.9 28.7   28.4 30.2   29.1 29.4   28.8 29.8   30.6 27.9   29.5 29.1   29.1 29.5   30.3 28.9
    26   0.06414   3.87     337 28.6 27.7   26.5 29.8   28.9 27.3   28.5 27.7   26.5 29.7   28.5 27.7   30.6 25.9   27.3 28.4
    27   0.06670   3.80     320 29.5 25.9   26.6 28.6   27.7 27.5   26.8 28.4   27.5 27.7   27.6 27.6   28.1 27.1   26.7 27.9
    28   0.06926   3.73     347 25.8 26.8   26.1 26.5   25.4 27.1   25.9 26.7   27.0 25.6   28.1 24.5   25.8 26.8   28.3 25.6
    29   0.07182   3.67     363 24.9 26.6   24.9 26.7   25.4 26.1   26.5 25.1   26.3 25.3   25.6 25.9   26.0 25.5   27.0 25.4
    30   0.07438   3.61     349 24.8 23.2   22.7 25.3   24.3 23.8   23.1 25.3   23.8 24.3   24.2 23.9   23.2 25.0   23.0 24.5
    31   0.07694   3.55     352 23.3 24.4   23.9 23.8   24.0 23.7   22.8 24.8   24.5 23.1   24.0 23.7   25.0 22.6   23.7 23.9
    32   0.07950   3.49     381 22.1 24.8   23.5 23.3   22.8 24.0   23.6 23.1   22.7 24.2   24.2 22.5   21.8 24.8   23.7 23.3
    33   0.08207   3.44     352 22.2 19.6   19.3 22.6   21.1 20.7   21.5 20.4   20.6 21.2   20.7 21.2   20.0 21.8   21.0 20.9
    34   0.08463   3.39     391 20.9 22.6   21.0 22.6   21.9 21.7   22.3 21.3   22.1 21.5   22.2 21.4   22.0 21.5   23.0 21.4
    35   0.08719   3.34     392 19.8 20.5   20.0 20.3   18.0 22.3   19.1 21.4   21.0 19.3   20.0 20.4   18.8 21.6   19.7 20.3
    36   0.08975   3.29     376 19.6 19.2   18.1 20.7   19.2 19.5   18.8 19.9   20.4 18.3   19.8 18.9   19.3 19.4   20.3 19.1
    37   0.09231   3.25     376 19.0 17.3   18.0 18.2   18.6 17.6   19.1 17.2   17.7 18.5   18.4 17.8   18.6 17.6   19.0 17.8
    38   0.09487   3.20     425 19.5 17.9   18.6 18.8   20.9 16.6   19.5 17.9   17.9 19.5   18.4 19.0   18.9 18.5   18.5 18.8
    39   0.09743   3.16     405 15.9 15.7   15.3 16.4   16.8 14.8   15.7 15.8   15.4 16.2   15.2 16.4   17.3 14.4   14.6 16.1
    40   0.10000   3.12     399 14.9 13.6   13.8 14.7   14.5 14.0   14.8 13.7   14.2 14.3   14.2 14.4   13.4 15.1   14.6 14.1
    41   0.10256   3.08     435 13.8 14.0   14.3 13.5   12.8 15.1   13.8 14.0   13.4 14.4   14.0 13.8   12.9 15.0   13.4 14.1
    42   0.10512   3.05     394 11.8 14.0   12.8 12.9   12.2 13.5   12.3 13.4   12.8 12.9   12.7 13.0   12.1 13.7   12.2 13.1
    43   0.10768   3.01     416  9.9 11.0   10.1 10.8   10.2 10.6   10.8 10.0   11.1  9.6   10.2 10.6   10.9  9.9   11.3 10.1
    44   0.11024   2.98     433 10.3  9.4   10.2  9.5   10.2  9.5    9.4 10.3    8.8 10.8    9.0 10.6   10.1  9.6    7.5 10.6
    45   0.11280   2.94     465  8.0  7.8    7.9  7.9    8.2  7.7    8.3  7.6    7.5  8.3    8.0  7.8    7.8  8.1    7.9  7.9
    46   0.11536   2.91     421  7.4  6.6    6.6  7.4    6.8  7.1    7.1  6.8    6.9  7.1    7.3  6.7    7.4  6.5    7.3  6.9
    47   0.11793   2.88     444  5.6  5.7    5.8  5.6    6.1  5.2    5.8  5.6    5.4  5.9    5.3  6.2    5.3  6.1    5.1  5.9
    48   0.12049   2.85     443  5.6  5.2    5.8  5.0    5.5  5.2    4.8  6.1    5.4  5.4    5.4  5.4    5.0  5.7    4.8  5.6
    49   0.12305   2.82     464  5.0  4.9    4.7  5.1    4.4  5.4    4.6  5.4    4.9  5.0    4.8  5.1    5.5  4.3    4.3  5.2
    50   0.12561   2.79     459  3.6  4.4    4.0  4.1    3.7  4.4    4.2  3.9    4.0  4.1    3.8  4.3    4.0  4.1    3.9  4.1
    51   0.12817   2.77     444  3.5  3.7    3.6  3.6    3.4  3.8    3.5  3.7    3.9  3.3    3.8  3.4    3.6  3.5    4.0  3.4
    52   0.13073   2.74     503  3.5  3.5    3.6  3.4    3.5  3.5    3.6  3.4    3.3  3.6    3.5  3.5    3.5  3.5    3.4  3.5
    53   0.13329   2.71     484  2.9  3.3    3.3  2.9    2.7  3.5    3.0  3.2    3.1  3.1    2.6  3.5    3.1  3.0    2.6  3.3
    54   0.13586   2.69     426  2.6  3.1    2.8  2.8    3.1  2.6    2.8  2.9    3.0  2.7    2.4  3.3    2.9  2.8    2.6  2.9
    55   0.13842   2.66     492  2.3  2.2    2.3  2.3    2.4  2.1    2.5  2.0    2.0  2.5    2.1  2.5    2.4  2.1    2.1  2.3
    56   0.14098   2.64     487  2.3  2.1    2.3  2.1    2.1  2.3    2.1  2.2    2.2  2.1    2.0  2.4    2.3  2.0    2.0  2.2
    57   0.14354   2.62     506  2.2  2.0    1.8  2.3    2.1  2.0    2.1  2.1    2.2  2.0    2.2  1.9    1.9  2.2    2.4  2.0
    58   0.14610   2.59     491  1.4  1.7    1.5  1.7    1.5  1.6    1.7  1.4    1.5  1.6    1.5  1.6    1.6  1.6    1.6  1.6
    59   0.14866   2.57     486  1.7  1.5    1.6  1.6    1.6  1.6    1.7  1.4    1.6  1.6    1.6  1.6    1.6  1.5    1.7  1.5
    60   0.15122   2.55     502  1.6  1.5    1.4  1.7    1.6  1.5    1.5  1.6    1.4  1.6    1.5  1.5    1.5  1.5    1.4  1.5

         Totals:          20205 18.7 18.8   18.5 19.1   18.7 18.8   18.7 18.8   18.8 18.7   18.8 18.7   18.7 18.9   18.8 18.8

 Amplitudes will be scaled by     1.007 from sqrt(I)

Header Information to Output MTZ File

 Logical Name: HKLOUT   Filename: /tmp/junk_mpr78_p21_7_trunc.mtz 

 * Title:

 mpr78_p21_7 dataset

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 Unspecified
             45.2896  100.0178   71.9303   90.0000  104.4158   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 18

 * Number of Reflections = 20186

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Column Labels :

 H K L IMEAN SIGIMEAN I(+) SIGI(+) I(-) SIGI(-) F_foo SIGF_foo DANO_foo SIGDANO_foo F(+) SIGF(+) F(-) SIGF(-) ISYM

 * Column Types :

 H H H J Q K M K M F Q D Q G L G L Y

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   45.2896  100.0178   71.9303   90.0000  104.4158   90.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00010    0.15379     (    100.000 -      2.550 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     4     5

 * Space group = 'P21' (number     4)

 Number of reflections input =      20205
 Number of terms output      =      20186

Number of terms rejected =         0
  ( having EITHER  Iobs .LT. -3.7*SDobs  OR  Iobs .LT. (SDobs)**2/MeanI - 4.0*SDobs )

Systematic absences =================== Systematic absences are OMITTED from output file h k l F sd 0 1 0 1.25 0.34 0 3 0 3.20 0.85 0 5 0 4.65 0.97 0 7 0 4.30 1.31 0 9 0 5.43 1.55 0 11 0 6.35 1.74 0 13 0 4.93 1.23 0 15 0 5.43 1.76 0 17 0 6.18 1.95 0 19 0 6.99 2.13 0 23 0 6.93 2.19 0 25 0 10.66 2.97 0 27 0 12.31 2.92 0 29 0 12.29 3.11 0 31 0 9.13 2.70 0 33 0 9.28 3.01 0 35 0 8.97 2.96 0 37 0 10.47 3.27 0 39 0 10.02 3.19

Distributions of Observed Intensity

 Distributions of Observed Intensity Magnitudes

 Tables below give percentage of terms for which I.le.Z 
 where Z is defined as I/Mn(I) for the range of 4*((Sintheta/Lambda)**2)

  Also the 2nd, 3rd & 4th moments of I, Mn(I**k)/Mn(I)**k for k = 2,3,4 (labelled Moment2, Moment3, Moment4))

 Z values in tables :
               0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0

Acentric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
                 Nref Nz(0.1  - 0.2  - 0.3  - 0.4  - 0.5  - 0.6  - 0.7  - 0.8  - 0.9  -1.0) Moment(Z2      Z3      Z4      E1      E3)
                         9.5   18.1   25.9   33.0   39.3   45.1   50.3   55.1   59.3   63.2      2.00    6.00   24.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lambda)**2)
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                19485   13.7   23.5   31.5   38.9   45.5   51.2   56.3   61.0   65.0   68.6      2.94   17.64  164.64    0.16    0.00

Centric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
                 Nref Nz(0.1  - 0.2  - 0.3  - 0.4  - 0.5  - 0.6  - 0.7  - 0.8  - 0.9  -1.0) Moment(Z2      Z3      Z4      E1      E3)
                        24.8   34.5   41.6   47.3   52.1   56.1   59.7   62.9   65.7   68.3      3.00   15.00  105.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lambda)**2)
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                  720   22.2   32.1   38.3   44.6   48.8   53.1   56.5   59.3   63.3   65.7      2.96   12.69   69.69    7.13    0.02

Cumulative Intensity Distribution

">For inline graphs use a Java browser

Mean Amplitude vs. Resolution

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    TOTALS         20205  3161.56   114.69    27.57    18.78    41.06     1.84    22.31    37.65

 Minimum F =      0.672
   with SD =      0.339
 Maximum F =    310.375
   with SD =      4.157

Anisotropic Analysis: FALLOFF


 Direction 1 is perpendicular to b* and Direction 3
 Direction 2 is along b*
 Direction 3 is perpendicular to a* and b*

For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Average F (d1 d2 d3) + overall average:    36.26    36.71    57.66        41.39

 $TEXT:Warning: $$ comment $$ 
 WARNING:  ***Beware-serious ANISOTROPY; data analyses may be invalid ***

 number A-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir1     11076
 number B-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir2     10744
 number C-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir3     11044
 number overall reflections      80816

 TRUNCATE:  Normal termination
Times: User:       0.6s System:    0.1s Elapsed:     0:02