The 2.2 Å structure of a full-Length catalytically active hammerhead Ribozyme

Monika Martick and William G. Scott
Copyright, 2006

New: Solvent-Structure and Catalysis

cover image

The Sequence and the Fold:

representations of the structure

The secondary and tertiary structure are shown with various tertiary contacts indicated in the diagram
 on the left. The color-coding of the sequence matches that of the structure.

The active site:

active site interactions

The cleavage-site nucleotide is now positioned for in-line attack. G-12 is positioned for general base catalysis, and G-8 may assist as a general acid. The non-bridging phosphate oxygens of the A-9 and scissile phopshate are 4.1 Å apart, and could potentially bind a divalent metal ion, although none are seen to be bound in the crystal structure.

Downloads and links:

(allows viewing the color-coded structure and the
experimental map using the free display program PyMol)
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