 ### CCP4 4.2: TRUNCATE           version 4.2       : 20/08/02##
 User: wgscott  Run date:  4/ 3/04  Run time:14:51:52

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.



Command Input


 Data line--- TITLE sars rna processed in P6522
 Data line--- wilson
 Error: Key_Word line NOT Understood:-
 Data line--- nresidue   150
 Data line--- labout  F=F_sars  SIGF=SIGF_sars

Input MTZ File

  (Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit  1      Status: READONLY

 Logical Name: HKLIN      Filename: native_sars_scala_p6522.mtz

 * Title:
 native SARS michael robertson's raxis II data...
 * Number of Datasets =   1
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 Unspecified /
             94.0378   94.0378  130.2772   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000
 * Number of Columns =   9
 * Number of Reflections =   8750
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H J Q K M K M
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    94.0378   94.0378  130.2772   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00051     0.12780      (   44.281 -     2.797 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     4     5
 * Space group = P6522  (number   179)
           Reciprocal space symmetry
     Space group: P6522 (179)     Point group: 622     Laue group: 6/mmm
 Asymmetric unit: [6/mmm] hkl:h>=0, k>=0, l>=0 with h>=k
 Original indices for reflection hkl with symmetry number ISYM
                              Bijvoet positive
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM
  ISYM   1  +h,+k,+l       7  -h,-k,+l      13  +k,+h,-l      19  -k,-h,-l
  ISYM   3  -h-k,+h,+l     9  +h+k,-h,+l    15  +h,-h-k,-l    21  -h,+h+k,-l
  ISYM   5  +k,-h-k,+l    11  -k,+h+k,+l    17  -h-k,+k,-l    23  +h+k,-k,-l
                              Bijvoet negative
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM
  ISYM   2  -h,-k,-l       8  +h,+k,-l      14  -k,-h,+l      20  +k,+h,+l
  ISYM   4  +h+k,-h,-l    10  -h-k,+h,-l    16  -h,+h+k,+l    22  +h,-h-k,+l
  ISYM   6  -k,+h+k,-l    12  +k,-h-k,-l    18  +h+k,-k,+l    24  -h-k,+k,+l

      Cell Dimensions:          94.04       94.04      130.28       90.00       90.00      120.00

  $TEXT:Warning: $$ comment $$
  WARNING:  **** Beware! - Cell dimensions could permit Twinning ****

 * Input Program Labels :
 SIGF FreeR_flag
 * Input File Labels :
 * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no.
 * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label
     1    2    3    4    5    0    0    6    7    0    0    8    9    0    0

Output MTZ File

  (Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit  2      Status: UNKNOWN

 Logical Name: HKLOUT      Filename: native_sars_p6522_trunc.mtz

 * Output Program Labels :
 I(-) SIGI(-) ISYM
 * Output File Labels :
 I(+) SIGI(+) I(-) SIGI(-) ISYM
 * Output File Column Types :
 H H H F Q D Q G L G L J Q K M K M Y
 Harvest: Cant mkdir HARVESTHOME/DepositFiles/Unspecified - no deposit file created

 Width of bin :  0.0021
 Number of bins :   60

 Limits on H,K,L..   0 to  33      0 to  33      0 to  46

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0022
 Number of bins:   59

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0022
 Number of bins:   58

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0022
 Number of bins:   57

   Resolution limits in As =      44.28      2.80
            as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.00051   0.12780

   Resolution limits used for scaling in As =       4.00      2.80
                             as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.06250   0.12780

FORMATTED OLD file opened on unit 45 Logical name: ATOMSF, Filename: /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-4.2.2/lib/data/atomsf.lib

Volume, Solvent Content etc

    ****   Volume solvent content etc ***

   Asymmetric Unit Contents                         Scattering Factor Constants
   Atom  number in  A.U.  Atomic number     (F = AA*EXP(-A*RHO) + BB*EXP(-B*RHO) + .. + CC)
    C             750            6              2.310   20.844    1.020   10.208    1.589    0.569    0.865   51.651    0.216
    N             203            7             12.213    0.006    3.132    9.893    2.013   28.997    1.166    0.583  -11.529
    O             225            8              3.049   13.277    2.287    5.701    1.546    0.324    0.867   32.909    0.251
    H            1200            1              0.493   10.511    0.323   26.126    0.140    3.142    0.041   57.800    0.003

 Volume per atom                         =          10.0 A**3
 total number of atoms in unit cell      =         28536
 unit cell volume                        =      997710.2
 F000                                    =      107052.0
 fraction of unit cell occupied by atoms =         0.286  =====
 starting resolution                     =         44.28
 finishing resolution                    =          2.80
 resolution increment for plotting       =          0.00

Scale from Wilson Plot

   *******  Wilson Plots *******

  Nref is the number of observed reflections in a
       hemisphere of reciprocal space.
  N_unq is an estimate of the number of possible reflections
        in an assymmetric unit of reciprocal space 
        ( Nref should be approximately equal to Nsymp*N_unq)
  Mn(ff)       is the expected value of f**2
  Mn(s - resln) is the average value of 4(sin theta/lambda)**2 and 
               the corresponding resolution limit.
  Mn(fobssq)   is the average value of Fobs**2

  If the reflections which were not measured were all weak, then Mn(Fobs**2)
   is better estimated using all possible  reflections N_unq
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)1))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from Nref,
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)2))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from N_unq.
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 A total of      8750 reflections were included in the Wilson plot

1    -45+                                                                                                                        
        |          *                                                                                                             
     -50+        *                                                                                                               
        |                *                                                                                                       
        |            *                                                                                                           
        |      *                                                                                                                 
        |              *              * * *   *                                                                                  
     -55+                  *   *                                                                                                 
        |                    *      *       *   *                                                                                
        |                       * *               *           *                                                                  
        |    *                                        * * *     * *                                                              
        |                                           *       *       **                                                           
     -60+                                                              * *                                                       
        |                                                                  *                                                     
        |                                                                                  *                                     
        |                                                                      *   * * *                                         
        |                                                                    *   *       *                                       
 l   -65+                                                                                                                        
 o      |                                                                                    *                                   
 g      |                                                                                      *                                 
 (      |                                                                                        *                               
 F      |                                                                                                                        
 P      |                                                                                          *                             
 s   -70+                                                                                                                        
 q      |                                                                                                                        
 /      |                                                                                            *                           
 M      |                                                                                                                        
 n      |                                                                                                                        
 (   -75+                                                                                              * *                       
 f      |                                                                                                                        
 f      |                                                                                                                        
 )      |                                                                                                  *                     
 )      |                                                                                                    *                   
     -80+                                                                                                      *                 
        |                                                                                                       *                
 *      |                                                                                                         *              
 1      |                                                                                                                        
 0      |                                                                                                           *            
 *   -85+                                                                                                                        
 *      |                                                                                                             *          
 1      |                                                                                                                        
        |                                                                                                               *        
        |                                                                                                                 *      
            0       1        2        3       4        5        6        7       8        9        10       11      12           
                                           4*sinsq/lamdbasq  *10**2                                                              
                                           WILSON PLOT (observed reflections only)                                               

    WILSON PLOT for Ranges   29 -  57
    Resolution range:  3.9479  2.8117

  LSQ Line Gradient =         -99.300316
 Uncertainty in Gradient  =      0.5672E+01
  X Intercept          =     -0.2306E+01
 Uncertainty in Intercept =      0.2757E+00

 For a wilson plot          B          =  -  gradient
                          SCALE        = exp( - intercept).

 Least squares straight line gives:   B  = 99.300        SCALE  =  10.03759
    where  F(absolute)**2 = SCALE*F(observed)**2*EXP(-B*2*SINTH**2/L**2) 

Analysis of Mean Intensity

 Range    Min. S    Max. S   Dmax(A)  Mn(I)/w Mn(SD)      Nref  Nposs

     1   0.00051   0.00274     19.09    1851.7   41.1       36       40
     2   0.00274   0.00498     14.18    2931.5   31.9       47       53
     3   0.00498   0.00721     11.78    3930.5   47.7       56       58
     4   0.00721   0.00944     10.29    6204.6   87.0       67       72
     5   0.00944   0.01168      9.25    3052.7   31.2       79       78
     6   0.01168   0.01391      8.48    2691.1   24.6       81       81
     7   0.01391   0.01614      7.87    3497.1   33.7       91       90
     8   0.01614   0.01838      7.38    2388.7   21.6       91       90
     9   0.01838   0.02061      6.97    2134.5   19.7      101      101
    10   0.02061   0.02284      6.62    2273.2   21.6      105      104
    11   0.02284   0.02507      6.32    1855.0   18.2      108      107
    12   0.02507   0.02731      6.05    1811.5   18.2      114      113
    13   0.02731   0.02954      5.82    2053.4   20.7      112      111
    14   0.02954   0.03177      5.61    2336.8   23.1      123      122
    15   0.03177   0.03401      5.42    2253.2   23.0      124      124
    16   0.03401   0.03624      5.25    2305.4   23.5      124      124
    17   0.03624   0.03847      5.10    1876.8   20.5      127      126
    18   0.03847   0.04071      4.96    2138.3   22.7      135      134
    19   0.04071   0.04294      4.83    1889.0   21.0      140      140
    20   0.04294   0.04517      4.71    1666.9   20.1      134      133
    21   0.04517   0.04741      4.59    1397.5   19.0      148      147
    22   0.04741   0.04964      4.49    1384.4   19.0      144      143
    23   0.04964   0.05187      4.39    1441.2   20.0      150      150
    24   0.05187   0.05411      4.30    1356.8   19.7      152      152
    25   0.05411   0.05634      4.21    1289.7   19.7      160      160
    26   0.05634   0.05857      4.13    1491.6   22.5      151      150
    27   0.05857   0.06081      4.06    1395.8   21.7      162      161
    28   0.06081   0.06304      3.98    1333.1   22.1      162      162
    29   0.06304   0.06527      3.91    1165.1   22.7      157      156
    30   0.06527   0.06750      3.85    1173.4   21.9      171      171
    31   0.06750   0.06974      3.79     960.2   22.1      168      167
    32   0.06974   0.07197      3.73    1009.3   22.1      177      177
    33   0.07197   0.07420      3.67     891.5   22.2      179      178
    34   0.07420   0.07644      3.62     658.5   21.2      163      163
    35   0.07644   0.07867      3.57     690.1   20.8      189      189
    36   0.07867   0.08090      3.52     626.8   21.0      188      187
    37   0.08090   0.08314      3.47     675.2   22.2      176      176
    38   0.08314   0.08537      3.42     691.3   20.8      187      186
    39   0.08537   0.08760      3.38     699.4   21.5      191      191
    40   0.08760   0.08984      3.34     623.6   21.2      191      190
    41   0.08984   0.09207      3.30     691.7   21.3      200      200
    42   0.09207   0.09430      3.26     481.8   20.0      190      189
    43   0.09430   0.09654      3.22     446.7   19.9      191      191
    44   0.09654   0.09877      3.18     394.8   19.6      208      208
    45   0.09877   0.10100      3.15     334.5   19.0      192      191
    46   0.10100   0.10324      3.11     252.8   18.7      209      209
    47   0.10324   0.10547      3.08     192.2   18.0      203      203
    48   0.10547   0.10770      3.05     183.2   18.1      208      208
    49   0.10770   0.10993      3.02     140.1   17.8      211      210
    50   0.10993   0.11217      2.99     121.5   17.5      220      220
    51   0.11217   0.11440      2.96     110.6   17.3      205      204
    52   0.11440   0.11663      2.93      90.3   17.7      210      210
    53   0.11663   0.11887      2.90      82.9   17.2      232      232
    54   0.11887   0.12110      2.87      70.4   17.2      217      216
    55   0.12110   0.12333      2.85      56.8   17.1      219      219
    56   0.12333   0.12557      2.82      47.1   25.3      177      222
    57   0.12557   0.12780      2.80      31.5   51.1       97      224

 Analysis of mean intensity by parity for reflection classes

  For each class, Mn(I/sig(I)) is given for even and odd parity with respect to the condition,
eg group 1: h even & odd; group 7 h+k+l even & odd; group 8 h+k=2n & h+l=2n & k+l=2n or not

 Range    Min_S    Dmax    Nref     1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8
                                    h           k           l          h+k         h+l         k+l        h+k+l    h+k,h+l,k+l
     1   0.00051  19.09      36 25.1 19.6   28.3 12.1   18.7 26.8   25.4 18.0   26.7 18.3   21.3 23.7   22.7 22.3   27.8 20.2
     2   0.00274  14.18      47 86.1 90.6   77.0108.2   92.8 83.6   83.9 93.3   89.5 86.9   84.4 91.4   85.1 91.6   81.6 90.6
     3   0.00498  11.78      56 96.0 81.1   78.9101.4   89.1 89.6   78.3101.3   89.7 89.1   87.4 91.3   88.4 90.2   76.3 93.7
     4   0.00721  10.29      67 91.4 91.1   85.3100.5   85.3 97.3   84.2 99.9   91.2 91.2   91.3 91.1   89.2 93.3   84.5 93.9
     5   0.00944   9.25      79 89.3 94.8   89.6 94.8   94.6 89.0   81.9101.1   94.1 89.6   95.1 88.7   90.7 93.1   87.6 93.2
     6   0.01168   8.48      81 93.3 86.2   84.1 96.1   88.6 90.3   83.1 98.3   95.0 84.3   91.1 87.7   90.2 88.6   89.1 89.6
     7   0.01391   7.87      91101.8 98.9   97.7103.5   97.9103.1   91.4108.7   96.7104.0   96.2104.3   99.4101.1   83.4105.7
     8   0.01614   7.38      91 93.6 91.2   84.8101.6   92.7 92.4   87.7 99.0   90.5 94.5   95.7 89.5   97.1 88.4   88.5 94.1
     9   0.01838   6.97     101 90.0 88.0   78.3103.2   86.8 91.4   91.9 85.8   95.5 82.5   90.8 87.1   90.4 87.3  100.4 85.1
    10   0.02061   6.62     105 79.5 83.5   78.8 84.7   84.0 79.1   75.6 87.7   77.7 85.6   83.2 79.5   79.1 83.8   74.3 84.3
    11   0.02284   6.32     108 77.2 81.4   77.2 81.8   68.0 91.4   67.6 95.6   79.4 79.2   77.7 80.8   74.2 84.6   65.7 84.5
    12   0.02507   6.05     114 81.3 78.2   75.5 85.1   73.1 86.3   89.1 71.7   85.7 73.7   78.0 81.6   74.0 85.6   93.4 75.6
    13   0.02731   5.82     112 79.5 83.8   78.8 84.7   76.6 87.3   74.8 89.2   79.0 84.2   85.1 78.5   81.4 82.0   74.9 83.9
    14   0.02954   5.61     123 82.8 91.7   77.8 99.9   89.4 84.6   83.0 93.2   86.4 87.9   83.1 91.9   88.8 85.4   79.3 90.8
    15   0.03177   5.42     124 74.5 87.8   76.4 86.0   78.5 83.2   81.7 80.1   79.8 82.1   79.1 82.6   91.4 71.7   78.8 81.6
    16   0.03401   5.25     124 76.7 86.7   74.9 90.7   79.0 85.1   77.4 85.9   83.0 80.8   78.2 85.6   83.2 80.6   74.9 84.2
    17   0.03624   5.10     127 77.9 72.1   73.7 76.4   69.4 80.9   70.1 81.1   76.9 73.1   70.6 79.7   81.1 68.5   67.9 77.9
    18   0.03847   4.96     135 74.9 76.9   73.5 79.1   71.7 80.0   71.9 81.1   73.1 79.0   73.5 78.2   70.6 81.6   67.0 79.4
    19   0.04071   4.83     140 71.0 75.3   73.0 73.2   72.9 73.3   69.8 76.4   73.2 73.0   75.1 70.8   69.6 76.6   72.1 73.4
    20   0.04294   4.71     134 70.6 63.6   60.6 74.3   71.3 63.1   62.4 71.2   65.1 69.3   67.1 67.2   67.8 66.6   59.8 69.2
    21   0.04517   4.59     148 59.7 64.6   61.6 62.9   61.4 62.9   58.6 66.6   66.0 57.8   63.4 60.9   65.2 58.6   63.3 61.7
    22   0.04741   4.49     144 61.7 57.2   54.4 65.2   60.5 58.3   60.5 58.1   60.9 58.2   56.5 62.6   57.8 61.0   59.0 59.7
    23   0.04964   4.39     150 59.4 61.1   59.1 61.6   49.5 69.7   59.2 61.3   64.1 56.7   60.5 60.1   63.6 56.3   63.2 59.3
    24   0.05187   4.30     152 59.6 56.0   54.7 61.3   55.5 60.4   52.6 62.6   58.0 57.6   56.9 58.6   58.2 57.5   52.1 59.7
    25   0.05411   4.21     160 54.6 54.2   48.9 60.8   54.9 53.9   56.0 52.6   56.1 52.7   52.2 56.8   53.1 55.7   55.4 54.0
    26   0.05634   4.13     151 52.9 57.4   56.3 54.1   59.4 51.0   61.8 46.8   51.4 58.5   54.9 55.6   55.7 54.7   58.8 54.1
    27   0.05857   4.06     162 56.9 52.4   51.9 57.6   57.6 52.0   51.7 57.8   54.7 54.8   54.0 55.4   55.2 54.3   51.4 56.1
    28   0.06081   3.98     162 49.5 55.5   53.9 50.8   48.1 57.4   49.9 55.1   49.6 55.2   51.3 53.8   54.7 50.3   45.4 54.7
    29   0.06304   3.91     157 47.3 42.4   43.9 45.9   43.7 45.9   39.3 50.3   46.1 43.7   49.3 40.4   47.5 42.0   45.0 44.8
    30   0.06527   3.85     171 44.8 48.0   44.8 47.8   46.6 45.9   46.3 46.3   48.0 44.5   42.6 49.4   47.6 45.2   44.7 46.8
    31   0.06750   3.79     168 38.3 36.9   37.8 37.4   37.1 38.1   38.5 36.5   33.1 42.2   33.4 42.9   36.1 39.1   30.9 40.6
    32   0.06974   3.73     177 35.2 44.3   36.8 42.5   39.9 39.2   41.6 37.4   41.6 37.5   43.3 36.3   39.4 39.8   47.5 37.1
    33   0.07197   3.67     179 36.4 35.0   34.4 37.0   34.4 36.8   33.9 37.3   37.8 33.7   35.8 35.4   39.8 31.9   36.2 35.5
    34   0.07420   3.62     163 31.1 26.9   27.4 31.4   27.8 30.5   24.7 33.5   27.6 30.9   25.2 32.5   28.5 29.9   18.8 32.3
    35   0.07644   3.57     189 27.2 33.6   29.0 31.9   28.8 32.4   29.4 31.7   32.0 28.9   30.4 30.6   29.0 32.1   30.8 30.4
    36   0.07867   3.52     188 31.9 23.8   27.2 28.6   28.7 26.9   29.1 26.2   24.0 31.3   25.6 30.1   31.1 25.1   23.7 29.4
    37   0.08090   3.47     176 26.4 29.5   31.3 24.3   28.6 27.2   25.8 30.1   30.9 24.7   27.9 28.0   30.5 25.4   28.9 27.6
    38   0.08314   3.42     187 32.6 29.2   29.0 33.1   28.5 33.6   27.6 34.0   29.4 32.4   32.2 29.5   29.4 32.8   27.6 32.1
    39   0.08537   3.38     191 29.1 29.9   28.7 30.4   31.3 27.8   28.2 30.8   30.7 28.2   32.0 27.0   29.7 29.4   31.8 28.7
    40   0.08760   3.34     191 28.8 25.8   26.8 27.8   26.7 27.9   24.1 31.0   25.3 29.1   24.9 29.8   27.5 27.0   20.1 29.9
    41   0.08984   3.30     200 28.9 30.3   28.9 30.3   28.9 30.1   28.2 31.1   32.5 26.3   29.1 30.0   30.7 28.5   30.7 29.1
    42   0.09207   3.26     190 25.5 20.5   23.5 22.2   24.5 21.4   24.3 21.4   20.6 25.0   23.2 22.6   22.3 23.6   22.5 23.0
    43   0.09430   3.22     191 21.6 21.7   20.5 22.9   19.5 24.3   21.5 21.8   23.0 20.3   19.2 24.5   23.8 19.7   20.2 22.1
    44   0.09654   3.18     208 17.0 22.1   18.6 20.6   18.3 20.7   20.8 18.3   20.5 18.6   19.0 20.2   19.3 19.9   21.1 19.0
    45   0.09877   3.15     192 18.1 16.8   18.0 16.8   18.4 16.3   18.3 16.7   16.5 18.5   19.8 15.4   17.1 17.7   19.6 16.8
    46   0.10100   3.11     209 12.2 14.8   13.6 13.5   14.1 13.1   11.4 16.1   14.2 12.9   13.0 14.1   15.3 12.0   11.5 14.3
    47   0.10324   3.08     203 11.7  9.8   10.7 11.0   10.7 10.9   11.3 10.4   11.0 10.6   10.3 11.3   11.6 10.1   11.0 10.8
    48   0.10547   3.05     208 10.0 10.3    9.9 10.3   10.9  9.2   10.1 10.2   10.1 10.1    9.9 10.4    8.5 12.0    9.9 10.2
    49   0.10770   3.02     211  8.0  7.9    7.7  8.2    8.7  7.3    8.0  7.9    8.8  7.0    7.9  8.0    7.6  8.3    8.8  7.6
    50   0.10993   2.99     220  7.0  7.1    6.3  7.9    7.9  6.1    7.7  6.4    6.0  8.0    7.0  7.1    7.2  6.9    6.5  7.2
    51   0.11217   2.96     205  6.9  6.4    6.0  7.3    6.5  6.7    6.3  6.9    6.9  6.4    6.8  6.3    6.7  6.5    6.8  6.6
    52   0.11440   2.93     210  5.0  5.8    5.3  5.4    5.1  5.6    4.3  6.4    5.5  5.2    4.5  6.1    6.0  4.6    3.5  5.9
    53   0.11663   2.90     232  5.1  4.7    4.8  4.9    4.7  5.1    5.0  4.8    4.8  5.0    4.6  5.2    4.7  5.1    4.6  5.0
    54   0.11887   2.87     217  4.2  4.1    4.1  4.3    4.0  4.3    4.4  3.9    4.2  4.1    4.1  4.3    3.9  4.4    4.4  4.1
    55   0.12110   2.85     219  3.6  3.4    3.1  3.9    3.7  3.2    3.6  3.3    3.2  3.7    3.5  3.4    3.6  3.3    3.4  3.5
    56   0.12333   2.82     177  2.3  2.1    2.1  2.3    2.4  2.0    2.2  2.2    2.2  2.3    2.1  2.3    2.3  2.1    2.0  2.3
    57   0.12557   2.80      97  0.6  0.9    0.7  0.8    0.9  0.6    0.7  0.8    0.8  0.7    0.7  0.8    0.7  0.8    0.7  0.8

         Totals:           8750 39.0 39.3   38.0 40.4   38.5 39.7   37.9 40.4   39.3 38.9   38.7 39.6   39.4 38.8   37.7 39.6

 Amplitudes will be scaled by     3.168 from sqrt(I)

Header Information to Output MTZ File

 * Title:
 sars rna processed in P6522
 * Number of Datasets =   1
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 Unspecified /
             94.0378   94.0378  130.2772   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   8710
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 I(+) SIGI(+) I(-) SIGI(-) ISYM
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q D Q G L G L J Q K M K M Y
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    94.0378   94.0378  130.2772   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00051     0.12780      (   44.227 -     2.797 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     4     5
 * Space group = P6522  (number   179)

 Number of reflections input =       8750
 Number of terms output      =       8710

Number of terms rejected =         5
  ( having EITHER  Iobs .LT. -3.7*SDobs  OR  Iobs .LT. (SDobs)**2/MeanI - 4.0*SDobs )
Systematic absences =================== Systematic absences are OMITTED from output file h k l F sd 0 0 4 3.75 1.84 0 0 5 5.62 2.56 0 0 7 7.64 3.55 0 0 8 10.90 4.12 0 0 9 8.58 3.95 0 0 10 8.84 4.16 0 0 11 9.95 4.46 0 0 13 10.17 4.79 0 0 14 14.69 5.55 0 0 15 17.75 6.04 0 0 16 13.25 5.38 0 0 17 12.95 5.57 0 0 19 11.66 5.40 0 0 20 11.49 5.53 0 0 21 14.15 6.44 0 0 22 12.85 6.13 0 0 23 11.07 5.64 0 0 25 12.49 6.08 0 0 26 13.57 6.51 0 0 27 17.83 7.97 0 0 28 12.76 6.30 0 0 29 16.59 7.69 0 0 31 14.42 7.05 0 0 32 21.40 9.07 0 0 33 17.60 8.23 0 0 34 20.28 8.99 0 0 35 17.91 8.23 0 0 37 26.33 10.00 0 0 38 15.69 7.69 0 0 39 17.03 8.10 0 0 40 12.64 6.39 0 0 41 21.89 9.32 0 0 43 17.56 8.10 0 0 44 19.24 8.40 0 0 45 15.75 7.44

Distributions of Observed Intensity

 Distributions of Observed Intensity Magnitudes

 Tables below give percentage of terms for which I.le.Z 
 where Z is defined as I/Mn(I) for the range of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)

  Also the 2nd, 3rd & 4th moments of I, Mn(I**k)/Mn(I)**k for k = 2,3,4 (labelled Moment2, Moment3, Moment4))

 Z values in tables :
               0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0

Acentric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
               9.5 18.1 25.9 33.0 39.3 45.1 50.3 55.1 59.3 63.2         2.00    6.00   24.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)

For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                 6879   10.0   17.8   25.5   33.3   39.7   45.4   50.7   55.9   59.8   63.4      2.10    6.87   31.11    0.14    0.00

Centric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
              24.8 34.5 41.6 47.3 52.1 56.1 59.7 62.9 65.7 68.3         3.00   15.00  105.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                 1871   24.8   36.0   43.8   49.2   54.1   57.5   60.8   64.7   67.4   69.7      2.83   12.19   66.15    0.69    0.01

Cumulative Intensity Distribution

For inline graphs use a Java browser

Mean Amplitude vs. Resolution

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    TOTALS          8745  1033.44    21.94    47.10    39.14    77.80     2.18    35.61    78.27

 Minimum F =      1.227
   with SD =      0.616
 Maximum F =    534.736
   with SD =      7.823

Anisotropic Analysis: FALLOFF


 Direction 1 is perpendicular to b* and Direction 3
 Direction 2 is along b*
 Direction 3 is perpendicular to a* and b*

For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Average F (d1 d2 d3) + overall average:    79.43   135.58    77.64        77.80

  $TEXT:Warning: $$ comment $$
  WARNING:  ***Beware-serious ANISOTROPY; data analyses may be invalid ***

 number A-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir1        26
 number B-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir2        13
 number C-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir3      1308
 number overall reflections       8745

 TRUNCATE:  Normal termination
 Times: User:       0.2s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:01